Thursday, January 20, 2011

road to hell

Road to hell is not paved with good intentions; it is paved with laziness and thoughtlessness.

1 comment:

JuanAggro said...

obviously your a fuckin moron. even the worst start out with what they thought was in everyones, at least thier own best interest. They believe what thier doing is right (good intentions) if not for society, just themselves. if it was paved with laziness, nothing would ever get done. lets take the classic example of hitler, if hitler was lazy, do you think the holocaust would've ever happened? he obvously put alot of thought into the extermination of over 11 million people in europe, the invasion of russia, france, poland, belgium, and the bombing of london. so, everything you just said is wrong. congratulations, not only did you make yourself look like a tard, but you ruined a perfectly good and accurate quote. fuck you, fuck your family, and fuck your cat, because i don't understand how any of them can put up with your half-brained bullshit without blowing their fuckin faces off with a shotgun. you may think you sound smart by challenging a commonly used quote with your poorly thought out logic, but if you take a look back into history, for even 5 minuets, literally 5 minuets, you would see how wrong you are. lets pray to god that nobody else saw your little pot-thought theory because it's wrong and embarassing to yourself and your fuckin family. with that i bid you adeu ass munch. ttyl