Wednesday, August 06, 2008


Sometimes, I think I should draw near.
Sometimes, I think I shouldn't. I should even go out of sight.

I don't know what to do. What do YOU want me to do?



minishorts said...

Just wanted to thank you. You know why.

zefiriel said...

chooki: I would like to believe that I know why. But the problem is, I don't even know who you are.


zefiriel said...

I think I know who you are liau.

Don't need to thank me. My hobby is pointing out the hypocrisy of hypocrites who don't know that they are hypocrites and like to point out other people's hypocrisy. Your private not-so-private space allows me to do so. It is I who need to thank you. Heh.

Still, you're welcome. :>

ScottFW said...

Hey Zefi;

Perhaps what you are going through is a thing which happens to those who Really think through their life and what they are within life overall.

So many people just act and react at what might be termed from a universal eternal point of view, a superficial level.

Perhaps such discomfort comes to those who travel deeper within themselves because it is travelling against the grain and flow of the mass of humanity.
You see yourself travelling against the flow and either consciously or subconsciously there is this nagging doubt and question of "What I am doing is different, might it be wrong?"
Well, it is not wrong.
It is highly likely to be the most right thing to do.