Sunday, April 27, 2008


People say that I think differently.

Do I?

Some prefer to be more tactful and used the word "special," but I prefer the word "weird." No offense taken. Weird is weird. Nothing is wrong about stating such a fact.

But for me, a question that is more important is, am I purposefully trying to be different?

It is evident in the games I play, that I would choose the kind of games where I can create a hero that is different from everybody else; I dislike the mediocrity.

And from such a habit/preference, it got me questioning my very nature, whether I'm actually not very different, only purposely making myself different.

But the catch is this, that when you create a game character that is different from everybody else, (which you of course, have to ensure is a good one, else you'd be tired of playing a character that's a failure) you would be looked upon with respect and admiration.

When it comes to real world, things are most probably different. Birds with same wings prefer to flock together, and this saying is quite the same with humans. No one (as many as I have known) prefer to be with someone so different, that the person seems so out of the world, that communication is hopeless. In this world, most of the time, being different means being ostracized. You get left out.

Or perhaps it is because of that, that I am purposefully different. (IF I'm actually purposefully different, no conclusion made yet)

Perhaps, I actually prefer to be ostracized.

Perhaps, I actually wanted to be left out.



Anonymous said...

Well, I think being weird is rather normal. I'd prefer the word unique since weird has more negative connotations.

I think its good and in this day and age for us to be purposefully different. It takes effort and thought being put in to be different. At the end of the day, I think whats more important is you remember or think why you might want to be different.

Not all of us needs to be ostracised. But yes, its the price of being different. But if you keep wanting to be ostracised then hey, I think you need to look at yourself again and wonder if thats the way God really intends it.

Anyway, when talking about being different, its like this Stefanie Sun's song - 不同, meaning different in Chinese. Check out and I'll try to post a translation when I'm free.

zefiriel said...

"At the end of the day, I think whats more important is you remember or think why you might want to be different."


"I think its good and in this day and age for us to be purposefully different."

Hmm... This sounds interesting, perhaps you would like to explain more? (Tho am not sure whether you'll visit again. Heh.)

"But if you keep wanting to be ostracised then hey, I think you need to look at yourself again and wonder if thats the way God really intends it."

Very true. I think this statement is also for all areas of life, be it eating pattern, sleeping hours and such?

And perhaps I don't know you, but can I have the privilege of knowing your name instead of an "anonymous?" Thanks. :)

jacintha said...

sounds like ur talking about me >.<
or not?

Yes you are indeed special, not weird kind of special,just those kind of people that you rarely come across daily. Who happens to noticed and look at perspective differently from what people normally see.Which is a good thing.. really.. We need more people like you to open up our narrow mind, and most importantly i would have to say it is people like you who are more aware of their surroundings, the people, the things that happen. It's a thing not many people have, the ability to observe and analyzed deeper,to reason, to question. Now, how many people dare do that? No you are not weird at all, very special indeed and it has been truly a great joy knowing you *wink*

zefiriel said...

Not referring to anyone in specific when I wrote them. Don't worry. :P

And thank you for the kind words. Too kind, if you ask me.

*melts away*
