Tuesday, March 18, 2008

silent beauty

Does the running of a child back to his Father need to be caused by something drastic for it to be heartwarming?

Does a person need to have an insanely filthy history for his repentance to be moving and touching?

Does a person need to die the death of a martyr for his testimony to be authentic and powerful?

I think that the most beautiful thing in Christianity is not about the angelic joy we try to put on whenever someone goes to the front of the church meeting room and repeat the sinner's prayer.
I think that the most beautiful thing in Christianity is not even when that someone goes to the front of the church meeting room and repeat the sinner's prayer.

I think that the most beautiful thing in Christianity is when a person consciously decide that it's time to return to the embrace of his Father.
I think that the most beautiful thing in Christianity is when a person consciously decide that it's time to let Jesus into his house, and have His way. (not because the person has gotten annoyed at the knocking! :P)

Simple, quiet, and beautiful.

"Come in, Mr Jesus.
And would you be my Lord?"

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