Friday, May 25, 2007


Can one find peace amidst this chaos?
This unsettling fear, it lingers unceasingly,
In the heart of many.

Would there be calm, in this turbulence?
I can hardly imagine if there could be one.
Even if there be one,
It'll be but for a moment,
Leaving as quick as it comes.

But it is because of my God that I've come to know,
It is because of my Lord whom I've grown to love,
That I have hope.
A hope that arises from His love.

There can be peace in the midst of this unceasing chaos;
There can be calm in this crazy storm;
He will cause me to smile in the face of harm,
He will be my safety in the face of danger,
Because it is in my God that I trust.

Whether in life or death, He is with me;
Who can win against me?

There can be peace in the midst of this chaos;
There can be calm in this storm;
For it is in God that we trust.

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